120 Merchant Street Ambridge, PA 15003
Make a Contribution Thank you for visiting Greater Miracle Ministries Online. We appreciate your prayers and your contributions to the Ministry. We welcome all who seek the face of God and we strive to be more pleasing to Christ everyday. Donations that are given to the Ministry go toward various ministries such as our Outreach, Community Services, and more. Feel free to specify what God has led you to sow into. Thank you, and may God bless you. (Click Below to Make a Donation) Tithes & Offering Feel free to pay your tithes and offering here online. If you are not a member and your being led to pay your tithes and offering, we welcome and thank you for your seed. Other Giving Options You may also send a check or money order to: Greater Miracle Ministries 120 Merchant Street, Ambridge, PA 15003 Make checks payable to GMM. Thank you and continue to be blessed and follow in God's path. (Click Below to Pay Tithes & Offering Online) PayPal Cash App $GreaterMiracleChurch$GreaterMiracleChurch
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